Nearly all public works infrastructure projects today require some sort of consideration for stormwater management and/or Stormwater Pollution Prevention. From simple erosion control measures during construction to full design and construction of stormwater management facilities for flood protection, the staff of Pigeon–Roberts & Associates is experienced with design criteria, regulatory requirements and project analysis. A stormwater management system is a combination of physical infrastructure and appropriate regulation. A community’s basic infrastructure to carry away runoff to maintain roadway traffic, prevent property damage due to flooding, and to minimize downstream water quality impacts, must keep pace with the community’s growth.

In many communities, the stormwater conveyance system is a collection of storm sewers, gutters, culverts, canals, ditches, and bridged waterways, often pieced together over the years to varying engineering standards. Pigeon–Roberts & Associates uses a variety of software tools to model the performance of these systems, which allows quick understanding of their hydraulics, capacity, and pinpoints where improvements to capacity are needed. Design software used by the designers include: Hydraflow, PONDS® stormwater modeling package and in–house developed design spreadsheets.

Most new construction or capital improvement infrastructure projects conducted today require some form and consideration for stormwater management to implement the project. This could be a simple as filing a Notice of Intent with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection as required by the NPDES program to demonstrate compliance and monitoring protocol for stormwater pollution prevention. More complex projects involving dewatering for utility installations, site design, roadway design, flood control, wetland protection, and stormwater management may involve many different regulatory agencies and coordination. Pigeon–Roberts & Associates assists our clients to successfully process applications and seek approvals from all stormwater agencies having jurisdiction over a given project.