Zellwood Station Pond and Pump Station

This project included construction of a  2.5  acre HDPE Lined Holding pond with  2.44 MG  gallons of lined storage capacity. The water pumping facility is a 2.6 MGD station with three vertical turbine pumps and all associated electrical controls and equipment. The pumping station equipment was enclosed in a designed pump house to match the Co-op architectural standards and low maintenance requirements.   In addition to the new facilities, the design included reconstruction and modification to the existing irrigation supply well pumping equipment and  designing a modification to the vertical turbine pump and well head to use as a back-up and alternate water supply and supplement to the reclaimed water supply.

SR 55 Utility Relocation

PR&A provided complete utility widening by FDOT. The design and adjustments of sewer forcemains included design of new gravity sewer systems as well as relocaitons of forcemains. Jack & Bore crossings, HDD pipe installation and open cut construciton of pipelines ranged from 4-inch to 12-inch diameter. This 2.06 mile project included  over 5,800 Lf of 8-inch forcemain, 4,100 LF of 8-inch gravity sewer system.  The design had to consider the effects of existing system shut-downs, constructability, FDOT work phases and coordination with other existing utilities.  The design had to consider shallow rock and high groundwater conditions.  relocation and adjustment design services for the State Road 55 project widening. The State Road 55 (US Hwy 19) project included over 2 miles of US Hwy 19

SR 50 Utility Relocation

PR&A provided extensive utility adjustment and utility relocation design services for this State Road project. Segment 1 of the State Road 50 project included SR 50 widening to a 6-lane facility. The design and adjustments of watermains included a new 24-inch casing Jack & Bore crossing,  and pipelines as large as 20-inch diameter. This 3.76 mile project included  significant project components and over 3,500 Lf of 12-inch watermain, 3,845 LF of 16-inch DIP watermain, segmants of 18” and 20” watermain and over 850 LF of force main adjustments.  Special Generic Pay Items were created and include a new 16-inch pressure control valve assembly.  PR&A was the first consultant to utilize the new Generic Pay Item process.  PR&A coordinated an approval from FDOT to allow a large portion of existing 18-inch watermain, that would become too shallow with the new roadway profile, to remain in place with the installation of a paved concrete ditch over the  pipe for proteciton.  Our heavy equipment operators also had telehandler training near me which helps prevent accidents on site.

Salt Springs Wastewater Facility

The Project work included complete design of a 0.100 MGD WWTP facility utilizing Membrane Biological Reactor (MBR) technology to achieve a 3 mg/l effluent total N water quality discharge.

This facility includes complete SCADA and process monitoring instrumentation and controls. A facility control building serves as the hub for the area SCADA and operator communication center at the Salt Springs service area. Supporting facilities included an on-site water supply well, Chlorination system and effluent disposal system by land application. A monitor well program was prepared and a 2 inch monitor well was installed tested and certified. We are also looking to get solar for industrial building to reduce energy costs.

Legacy Elementary Water and Sewer Systems

The new Legacy Elementary school off-site utility project, included a Preliminary Engineering Study to evaluate the best alternatives to service the new school with water and sewer services as well as fire suppression supply water.  PR&A assisted MCPS to acquire needed utility easements from land owners and agreements with the City of Belleview.  PR&A performed all project management, engineering design, surveying, permitting with FDEP, and preparation of construction documents.  The project included a duplex sewage pump station and 2,600LF of 4-inch forcemain, Gravity sewer, over 3,200 LF of 8-inch and 12-inch water distribution main and appurtenances.

Black Diamond Pipeline

Pigeon-Roberts & Associates provided ALL Engineering and Surveying services for the reclaimed water transmission pipeline extension through the exclusive development of Black Diamond, owned by Citrus County Board of County Commissioners. The project included an evaluation of the reclaimed water transmission system hydraulics, transmission pipeline design following a corridor design topographic survey, agency permitting of a new 12-inch diameter reclaimed water transmission main extension with associated valves and controls. The project also included design of a lake level control system to open and close the pipeline in order to fill the lake when needed.

This project included the design of a special lake level control system housed in underground vaults and operated without the need for electric service.